News - 60th anniversary

We are thrilled to recognize our 60th anniversary this year in 2019. Not being half of age 60 myself its astonishing to see a club driven by volunteers succeed and last such a long time. We have, and had Presidents, Treasurers, Timers, Tech guys, Directors, Webmasters... the list goes on.

More importantly, we had a community, support, dedication and a passion for the sport that has pushed the club well past half a century.The volunteers are what makes the club succeed, and we are all volunteers in the end. Whether your the new driver signing up for Autoslalom, or just a webmaster typing this paragraph, it all works as one. OMSC show's no signs of slowing down, i know everyone behind the scenes is continually looking for more and better ways to secure our status for the future. Our main goal for 2019 is to promote, advertise, inform, and create some great Media as in pictures and videos. Thank you to all the current executives, members, and past executives, members. You all make and have made this club succeed.

Thanks to our Sponsor's for the continued support

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